Friday, May 29, 2009

Don't miss the Black Ant Hatch!

Because the Black Ant Hatch is only going on for a few more weeks, according to one source......Make sure you have many sizes, shapes, and shades of black for this particular insect, across all lifestages - nymph, pupa, emerger, cripple, adult, because you know, the fucking black ants are so anatomically diverse and shit.

Make sure to use the term Black Ant Hatch - people will know you that you know your shit when you use this term. And when speaking intelligently about this rare yet prolific "hatch", don't you fucking throw them sunburned Red Ant cousins in there. Fuck the red ant hatch its all about the Black Ant Hatch. I don't want to see you stepping up to the creek with a half red, half black mutant motherfucking ant pattern either. Use a sharpie, Einstein.

Black Ant Hatch. I didn't realize that ants hatch. I guess there's more than them just popping outta eggs and crawling all over me when I'm sitting on the bank trying to get the damn top off my klean kanteen. But the last time I checked, ants are a fucking terrestrial insect. So there's really no hatch at all............