Saturday, June 20, 2009

Stunna Shades

Now, if you aren't wearing Oakley shades, you might as well be retarded.

I'll be walking up the bank and be all "Oh shit, there's a nice fuckin trout."

People with me will squint, use their hands to block sunlight at all inflicting angles, or even abandon all senses and flat out lie,

"Oh, yeeaah. Right there." (Points at the water.)

Yeah right. Yeah fucking right. Fuckin fish isn't anywhere near where you pointed.

"You see him, huh?" - That dude don't see shit!

"Yeah I thought I saw something, but maybe not." -> Try these shades pimpin.

I say, fuck trying to see it, just see it. Oakley has the shit that is straight up gin clear polarized creek and flats pimpin shit. You see all the detail, all the time. Just how we need it.

I mean damn, look on the cover of Fly Fisherman. Wear shades like that and catch fish that big and be on the cover of Fly Fisherman, bitch.