Monday, October 27, 2008

Location X....10-26-08

Loc X
Nice day
low, cooling flows

What a day we had on the water! Lots of beautiful, healthy wild rainbows today. Weather was really nice and the water temps were perfect. First big fish of the day we thought was a snag and I tried to pull it out upstream and my yank brought tight a nice fish. And there was nothingbetter than a ice cold Heineken at the end of the day to top it off.....

Ran into some pretty gay road rage on the way home. There was 3 bikers and 2 trucks in front of me going 40 in a 55. So I passed when the lines allowed and some douchebag in a F-150 tried to speed up. He tailgated me for 20 miles along a windy mountain road - the biker in front of me was going slow and I could not pass - and then promptly passed and cut me off at the first chance he has. Then I'm like whatever dude, you got a complex or something with your big truck and all, I tried passing him on in the right lane and he cut me off. I rolled down the window and gave him the thumbs up. Nice fucking driving, man.....You should teach driver's ed. Didn't want to let it get to me and a great day on the water, so I just passed him and shook my head in disbelief as he tried to give me stink eye.

Good thing I got some sick tunes to listen to. Get out there and fish people its on right now!